Dear all,
After much hesitation, Historic Green is pleased to announce the 2010-2011 Spring Greening Managers! These talented and enthusiastic individuals, chosen from various corners of the country, will lead the way to an action-packed, and exciting Spring Greening event in New Orleans next March 2011. Most importantly, they are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join their efforts and become a member of their committee!
No experience necessary. Incredible opportunity to learn, network, volunteer, and preserve! Please email [email protected] with the following: (1) Committee of your choice, (2) Brief background about yourself, and (3) Briefly, tell us why you want to join and availability.

PROJECT MANAGER. Stacie Smith, Minneapolis, MN.
Stacie Smith is a current student at Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, MN. She currently holds an AAS degree in Architectural Drafting and Estimating and is in the process of obtaining a Bachelors degree in Applied Management. Along with her fellow students, Stacie helped create the first and only student chapter of Historic Green at Dunwoody and was elected secretary for the group. Stacie volunteered for the first time this past spring and is eager to get back.
The Projects Committee is responsible for developing and implementing valuable Spring Greening Projects. INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS COMMITTEE? Email us today!

EDUCATION MANAGER. Michelle Stanard, New Orleans, LA.
Michelle Stanard is originally from Dallas, Texas, and recently moved to New Orleans to pursue historic preservation. She graduated from the University of Georgia in 2006 with a BA in history and art history, with an emphasis on architectural history. During her undergraduate studies, she worked with two historic preservation non-profit organizations, and really enjoyed working with the different neighborhood associations and putting together educational seminars. After graduating from the University of Georgia, she worked briefly in real-estate, and then began graduate school at the University of Texas School of Architecture. She received an MS in Historic Preservation, and wrote her graduate thesis on the combination of historic preservation and sustainable design practices in post-Katrina New Orleans. While working on her master's degree, she participated in a preservation field school in New Orleans, in which she helped restore historic houses that had been damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Between 2009 and 2010, she worked for a preservation architecture firm in Dallas, Texas doing architectural conservation work and construction administration. She is now working as an art conservator in New Orleans, and is very excited to be part of the Historic Green team!
The Education Committee is responsible for establishing a strong Spring Greening event educational curriculum. INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS COMMITTEE? Email us today!

VOLUNTEERS MANAGER. Sarah Smith. Kansas City, MI.
Sarah Smith became involved with Historic Green during the first Spring Greening in 2008, where she acted as Volunteer Coordinator, and has been helping to organize volunteers for Historic Green ever since. She has no experience with the building industry (aside from reading lots of home decorating magazines), but as a scientist she does have lots of experience making sense of complicated systems. She earned her BS in Physics at Truman State University in 2005, then spent two years as a microscopy specialist at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research before beginning work on her PhD, focusing on cell polarization. She has an eight-month-old son Miles who she hopes to bring along as the youngest volunteer at Spring Greening 2011.
The Volunteers Committee is responsible for ensuring a robust, diverse, happy volunteer force during Spring Greening event. INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS COMMITTEE? Email us today!

COMMUNICATION & MARKETING MANAGER: Christopher Roclevitch. San Antonio, TX.
For Christopher Roclevitch, graduating in May 2009 with my Bachelor’s in Biology meant that he would need to take a year off from school and study hard for the Dental Admissions Test. Along the way, he was introduced to Historic Green and instantly fell in love with the concept of the organization. He was asked to serve on the Volunteers Committee where he enjoyed every step of the journey up to the Spring Greening Event in 2010, and was delighted with the results of what all of the volunteers, embodying the mission of Historic Green. Now that he is in the final process of getting admitted into dental school, he feels a personal motivation not only to pursue his entry into school, but to make Historic Green 2011 the best yet. He is truly looking forward to working with the many interesting people to help the great residents of the Lower 9th. Aside from golf, volunteering, and running, he looks forward to joining every Sunday afternoon with his men’s league soccer team. Last but not least, he looks forward to giving all he can to Historic Green 2011 and cannot wait to be back in NOLA putting plans into actions.
The Marketing and Communications Committee is responsible for developing creative marketing and communication plan to raise awareness of Spring Greening event. INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS COMMITTEE? Email us today!

FINANCE MANAGER. Jay Elizalde. San Antonio, TX.
Jay Elizalde lives in San Antonio, TX where he is a senior at the University of Texas at San Antonio, graduating in December with a Bachelors of Business Administration with concentration in Real Estate Finance and Development. He has been in the commercial real estate business for nearly 2 years with the retail brokerage and development firm, The Weitzman Group. Jay is the president of his student organization, Real Estate Entrepreneurs and Leaders (REEL), a networking and professional development student club that also hosts a yearly Green Building Conference. After experiencing Historic Green’s Spring Greening event for the first time last year, Jay has been excited about working alongside this years management team in order to make 2011’s event a success.
The Finance Committee is responsible for establishing innovative fundraising projects for Spring Greening event. INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS COMMITTEE? Email us today!

Fatima Rizvi graduated with a Masters of Architecture in 2009 from Pratt Institute and a Bachelor of Liberal Arts from Sarah Lawrence College in 2004. She is currently interning at Mutuus Studio, an architecture firm, and World Monuments Fund, a non-profit historic preservation organization. As an intern at Mutuus studio, Fatima has been assisting in high-end residential renovations. At the World Monuments Fund she writes about the history and the conservation projects of important architectural sites being carried out by the organization around the world. Both internships have heightened her interests in becoming more involved with renovation and historic preservation work. She has always been interested in working with communities in need and non-profit organizations to provide architectural and design solutions. As a student she studied and was inspired by the socially conscious architecture of Hassan Fathy for an underprivileged society and traveled to Brazil to participate in a design-build program, constructing basic infrastructure for a favela, a Portuguese term used for a shanty town. She is working on creating a career path where she can gain technical and practical experience at an architecture firm, participate in humanitarian design, and collaborate with other creative individuals on art projects that engage the public.
The Sustainable Event Committee is responsible for ensuring continuous “greening” of every aspect of Spring Greening event. INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS COMMITTEE? Email us today!