About 8 months ago, Christina Heinrichs said she was going to have her 40th birthday party in New Orleans. Having only just met Christina and Pete, her husband, because of Historic Green, I was at first not sure if I would go. But then, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to combine a "landing trip" to New Orleans to meet with our friends and partners related to Historic Green, have fun with Christina's friends and family, and see my mom, who lives in Denver. Susannah Tuttle, Jeremy Knoll, Brad Wood, Pete Heinrichs, Christina Heinrichs, and Jodi Wilson, have all been committed to Historic Green for well over a year now, and we all got to reconnect in December! Jodi and I met in Minnesota - she was an architecture student at the U of M, and after she graduated, she moved to Biloxi to work for an
architecture firm. I asked my mom to join us because, let's face it, she's a lot of fun.
So we made our travel arrangements, packed our bags, and off we were! Anisa Baldwin Metzger, of the USGBC, was instrumental in arranging meetings for us, and our big meeting at Greater Little Zion that she arranged, was a huge success. We had various meetings throughout our trip - Susannah and I were in town the longest, and Brad was in town for the least amount of time, but I think we all made the best use of our opportunities. I had not met so many of our friends and partners, so getting to see some of them face to face for the first time was great.
I look at the pictures from our trip in December, and I just keep thinking how we're getting closer and closer to our big event in March. It's exciting and daunting at the same time.
Here's Mom and I at Voodoo BBQ