Dear Friends and Volunteers of Historic Green,
The aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita brought New Orleans to its knees. Homes, schools, and playgrounds were left abandoned as hope was taken from its people. What were once vibrant tunes of jazz became a cry out for help.
Today, New Orleans has a million reasons to smile! One of them is the increasing number of volunteers and community members working hand in hand to rebuild the most struggling neighborhoods in the city.
It is for that reason that Historic Green wants to thank you for joining us during our third Spring Greening event this March 2010! Making the following accomplishments in only 10 days could not have been possible without you:
The Lower Ninth Ward Village: Windows were repaired and replaced. A drop ceiling and insulation was installed. Outdoor security lighting was installed.
Bayou Overlook: 7 benches were constructed and placed around the Bayou Overlook. A new pea gravel pathway was installed. Trashcans were painted with art and a roof was added to the informational kiosk.
Delery Street Playground: The playground structure was repaired and sealed. A reclaimed tire ladder was added. Fence and playground timbers were repaired. Two solar powers lights were installed. Empty homes surrounding the park were cleaned out and boarded up.
Rain Gardens: 10 Residential rain gardens were constructed. Repairs and replanting was completed at the Delery Street Playground rain garden.
Homes: 5 Preservation Resource Center homes were worked on in various stages of gutting and deconstruction. Additional work was performed at the PRC warehouse to sort salvaged materials. 10 occupied homes recommended by the CSED and Alliance 4 Affordable Energy were repaired and insulated.
Great job Volunteers!
*Please fill out the Historic Green 2010 Survey to help us understand what went well, what didn't go so well, and what we can do better for our 2011 event!
*Check out our event photos and share yours!
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3. Once you are signed in, click on "Add Something?" to upload your photos!